He’s an OCR Street Minister preaching next to the highway in Flemington.
That’s a bullet proof vest with a weather-proof, action camera attached. His 2-way radio mike is clipped to the right strap of his vest and a recorder mike clipped to the left. The pockets of the vest are filled with gizmos. But I don’t see a Glock. Maybe it’s in his car. Flemington is a dangerous place and you can’t be too careful.
I might not have approached him if he was armed. (I’m not sure how OCR Street Ministers feel about heathens.) He stared me down and reached into his vest to served me a flyer. It says that OCR Street Ministry needs my help to find me.
I’m confused. I was standing right in front of him. Hello? Wouldn’t that make me easy to find? Check the camera footage..
I visited the website on the flyer he gave me, OneWitnessBandcamp.com. It’s an interesting format. Different. It took me a while to figure it out. I thought I was at a music download site. It’s a bunch of listen-to-able lectures. (Everybody loves being lectured.)
It also tells you what OCR stands for.