With a name like Fingers, certain professions come to mind. Cracking safes is a sure bet. The crook who could spin that dial and miraculously open the heavy iron door did it with his delicately sensitive fingers and was no doubt called Fingers, Or maybe Bob.
This Fingers traveled a different career path before settling on opening a radiator warehouse. Some people think he worked in a morgue collecting digits after the bosses had left for the night. Others say he was that creepy guy on the bus you wouldn’t want to sit next to. Some rumors have it that he was a poker hustler or a wicked ragtime piano player.
The real story is far more intriguing.
After graduating high school Fingers got a job pumping gas and washing windshields. The fumes made him nauseous so he quit and got a job at MacDonalds, quickly mastering the french fry machine and the art of microwaving pre cooked meat. After a few years he worked his way up to manager where he stayed for almost ten years.
Know he could better he jumped ship to become the night shift manager at Walmart, overseeing the cleaning crews and restocking the shelves. By working nights and sleeping days he had little time to spend his money and after a while built up a nice savings account.
When he reach his fortieth birthday, he realized almost half his life had passed and he was ready for a new radicle direction, so he bought a radiator warehouse which he has successfully owned and operated since 1989.
How did he get the name Fingers? It’s his last name. His dad gave it to him.