Now that it costs about $500 to fill your truck, many pick-em-up drivers are making the leap to electric even if they have to do it themselves.
Larry and Earl, brothers who live in out in Kebunk County, Iowa, did not want to shell out $40-60 grand for an electric truck when they knew they could build their own. They’d seen plenty of YouTube videos and it really wasn’t that hard as long as you could get the parts.
They spent several months salvaging a motor here and an electric component there until they had everything they needed, plus some spares. They flipped a coin, decided to convert Larry’s truck and went to work putting everything together. They’re both pretty handy with a screwdriver.
They decided the best option would be to build a plugin rather than a hybrid and they knew they’d need to charge it up while on the road.

It took a few tries. The first truck would short out if there was as much as a heavy dew. The subsequent model was water proof but only got 1 mile per charge. Eventually, they perfected their home made electric truck and and are rightfully proud of it.
It only gets 100 miles per charge which would be a problem for an electric truck that needs a charging station, but theirs can be charged anywhere they can find a pole-mounted transformer. They just climb the pole and clip leads to the bare wires that lead to the transformer.
What could go wrong?