“Digital Basics” Oct 21st 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM ($69)
This workshop is for those getting starting in the world of digital photography.
We will cover the basic concepts of the digital technology, camera settings and guidelines on how to create better photos. The course is taught at a nice, even step by step pace, covering topics thoroughly but without technical jargon.
Call or email to register: 908-996-4440 Bill@BrokawPhoto.com
About your camera:
Learn a little about just what a digital camera is and how it works. We will cover basic camera functions, menus and lenses
What is a digital image:
This topic will give you a basic understanding of just what you are creating when you take a photo. We’ll discuss pixels, resolution and image quality.
How do we get good, well exposed photo that are in focus? We will examine the core principles for what make great photos such a landscapes, portraits, sports and candids.
Brokaw Photography Studio
34 Bridge Street
Frenchtown NJ