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11 Feb 2021


Digging out the church after a delivery of winter weather, Pastor Peter keeps the path open for his Frenchtown United Methodist flock. But that’s just one flock. There is another one up the hill he ministers. As church attendance shrink, pastors are doubling up tending multiple congregations. After 30 years in the corporate world before turning less worldly, Pastor Peter is not intimidated by mergers.

10 Feb 2021


This photo should be in black and white making it a bit timeless. It reminds me of old timey photos of the town. I don’t see any horse-drawn carts, though.

09 Feb 2021


EJ like to wear his fireman’s turnout gear whenever it snows and make the rounds to help clear driveways and sidewalks. His help is always welcomed.

08 Feb 2021


If you have a sidewalk it’s a ritual. The white stuff falls from the sky, piles up, gets slippery and we big, flat-footed animals aren’t the best at walking on it. So we move it and melt it. Maybe we should have boots and shoe with claws for precarious footing.

07 Feb 2021


The county workers may not always like the tasks they are given but they do their best. One never knows when one may need to drive into the river so it’s good to clear the snow. Who knows, maybe someone needs to drive out

06 Feb 2021


I’m always up for a good night shot when it’s snowing and was out getting wet when a beacon of light came down the sidewalk out of the dark. It was EJ, equipped for night duty. It doesn’t snow just during the day and EJ knows that it’s the best time to get out and start pushing the white stuff off the sidewalk.

05 Feb 2021
Garage Sale


This place has been for sale for quite a while. Looks like a steal to me. It is a bit of a fixer-upper but comes with a ladder, so what are people waiting for?

04 Feb 2021


Every year around December I drive by a Christmas wonderland in our upper Bucks, PA township. I thought it was about time I got some pictures. The owners have a sign inviting people to just drive in and enjoy it. As I was getting some photos, the maestro came out to to say hello. It takes him about three weeks to get everything set up and people from all around the area look forward to Wayne’s wonderland every year. On […]

03 Feb 2021


I liked Pete’s mask. Pete owns the National Hotel in Frenchtown and I asked if he was from Canada. Eh? No. He’s not. He’s from Bombay. The mask isn’t from Canada, either. It’s a NYC Parks and Rec mask. Parks and Rec has it’s own flag, too.

02 Feb 2021


I’m always up for a dog photo. It seems this is the decade of the bulldog. Short snouts are in for the 20’s. I actually thought I got a photo of Chunky a few days before this but when we looked through the photos on my camera it was a different girl and bulldog. Chunky did not appear perturbed.